
Novaluna. Emotions and design

Novaluna. Emotions and design™

This is our mission. This is Novaluna.

Salone del mobile Salone del mobile

When we created Novaluna in 2013, we had a well-defined company and product project in mind. With a long and solid entrepreneurial history behind us, such as that of Fratelli Cornacchia group, it was natural to imagine and shape a brand able to keep together the factors and characteristics of the company (reliability, efficiency, innovation, technology and expertise) with those of a product first desired and then realized (high-profile design and quality, professionalism of the workers, rigorous selection of materials, craftsmanship).

For the first few years we concentrated on the process of approaching a synthesis with which we can now say we are satisfied. Although we are convinced that this is only the first step of a continuous path of improvement, we are finally sure to be able to offer beds and complements that fully satisfy our customers but, above all, are able to go beyond, to surprise and excite. A Novaluna bed is much more than a part of the furniture of a house: it is a life companion, it is a warm embrace, it is a cozy and reserved nest.

How do we get to this level? First, let's talk about the factory where the beds are made. The factory of the industrial group to which Novaluna belongs is in Matera, the geographical area that includes the Matera-Montescaglioso upholstered furniture district and the Apulia wood-furniture district, production areas that are among the best known in the furniture sector on a continental level. It occupies an area of 50,000 square meters, 15,000 of which are covered. All employees are selected and trained according to the spirit of the company: passion, constant updating, maximum care of the whole and of the details. A team aware of the importance of carrying out their work scrupulously. 

Another determining factor is the 100% Made in Italy production cycle. Project, prototype, production and quality control are all made in Italy. A guarantee of reliability, competence and taste recognized all over the world and confirmed by a very clear fact: Novaluna can boast a customer satisfaction close to 97%.

Numbers and percentages say a lot but not everything. In fact, no number can represent the surprise and emotion of seeing one of our beds in your home. That is the point of arrival that gives meaning and significance to the work that began with the pencil of our designers (a team of experienced professionals and enthusiastic young people) and ended with the delivery and assembly. There are no percentages or graphs that can represent the smile and joy that one of our beds brings to the daily life of those who choose Novaluna.

All this is not the result of bets or magic formulas, it is the goal to which leads a serious job, done right. Like the scrupulous selection of materials for all the components: from the wooden or metal structures to the coverings and finishes; like the long research to adopt only the solutions able to offer a real added value; like the attention to retailers and customers, also in important occasions like the participation to the Salone del Mobile in Milan, one of the most important world exhibitions of the furniture sector.

This is the essence of Novaluna, a brand present in all continents, which wants to offer high quality products, with a wide catalog that can accommodate beds with cutting-edge design and more contemporary beds, because every home has its own taste and style. This is Novaluna: emotions and design.